our little girl was born last night after a long but beautiful labour. i started to have contractions around 11:00 the night before but didn't really go into active labour till she was almost born!
after a day of regular contractions my sister and i went for a beautiful forest walk..it seemed like things were actually slowing down, but once we got back home again everything happened fairly quickly. we filled the birth pool and after about 10 contractions that were 1-2 minutes apart i got in. it was heaven! i was in the pool for about 45 minutes i think.. she did all of the work. it was amazing. i felt her little body move down..down..with each surge and finally she was right there! i felt this bulging bag of waters and broke it with my finger and out she came in a few quick pushes. i caught her in my hands and held her for a long time before getting out of the water. she was pink and breathing and just perfect from the moment she was born. *sigh*
my midwife suzie said that in 600+ births it was probably the most peaceful,perfect birth she has witnessed. it made me cry.
she weighed 8lbs 3 oz
born around 6:30pm..( i'm not even sure on the time, but my midwives have it written down)
no height yet because i just didn't want to put her down.
Congratulations Fern!!!
That sounds like such a wonderful, peaceful birth!!!
Does little one have a name yet?
WOW!! I'm so glad everything went so well. She's absolutely beautiful. I can't wait to meet her in person.
lots of love
Congratulations, Fern!!!!!! Welcome to the world, little girl (Sabine? Matilda? what will it be?)
congrats Fern she is beautiful.
Oh Fern. My heart is so filled with happines for you and your beautiful family! It sounds like your birth was everything you hoped it would be!!!
:) :) :) :)
congrats! what a wonderful birth experience. i hope that my babe is born that gently, too. way to go, mama. she looks like ngaio did, i think. so, let us know her name soon! enjoy your babymoon!
fern, she's absolutely perfect. beautiful, like you. i'm so happy for you and your three sweet children. what a wonderful family! :-) miss you
love eliza
Happy babymoon Fern and baby! Your birth sounds amazing Fern. She is soooooo beautiful and sweet looking.
Blessed Be
I'm all teared up and thrilled to pieces for you! Happy birthing and happy babymoon!
Did I forget to mention how all out adorable she is? What a beautiful babe!!!!
congratulations!! She is beautiful!
grats Fern! and welcome Baby!! blessings!
aww she is so precious and perfect momma- nice baby making!!
I am sure whatever her name is it will come to you in time!
OMG, Fern...she's beautiful! And isn't she just the tiniest baby you have ever birthed?!!?! Congratulations, mama, we are so proud of you!
Much peace and love,
Michelle & Noah Sage
thank you everyone. we are pretty in love!
and michelle, elwynn was 7lbs 8oz.. so she is a bit bigger, but not much.
Welcome baby. What Bliss!!
Enjoy your babymoon.
I have lost count of how many times I have logged on to see her sweet face fern- I swear so far I can see Elwynn and Ngiao both so much in her face!! and that is so neat because your kids look so much like you and your dp!
how magical!- love makes beautiful creations!
Oh congratulations Fern! I am so happy to see your birth announcement, & to hear how perfectly your birth went. Big fat mushy gushy hugs to you my dear. She is gorgeous, just like every other member of your family!
Oh mama she's precious!!
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