i'm not totally certain, but i think this baby may be born sometime in the next day or so.. i'm feeling some really big changes in my body and i'm feeling very sensitive to sounds and goings ons around me.. not something i usually feel.
we spent a beautiful day on the beach collecting shells and treasure to put on the birth altar. it was sunny and crisp. being at the ocean felt so good! living up where we are is lovely, but once in a while the Pisces in my craves the ocean...
so if i don't post here for a while, it probably means baby has come!
Oh Fern, that is so exciting! I know what you mean about having a "feeling". Today was so beautiful.
I wish you many blessings for this birth. May you have strength, and may you surrender to the beauty of it all!
Lots of love!
There is a psychic psychedelic thing that happens just before birth. Revel in it! It's magic!
I wish you a smooth journey and angels to assist you.
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