we have a smallish house on a big piece of green. there are cows and horses just a stones throw away...but we are sorely lacking in internet access, except for the library and grama's house 30 minutes away, hence my lack of blogging.
summer was green and hot and full of swimming in the rivers and lakes..we spent a lot of sunny saturdays going to the farmers market in clearwater, just down the highway a ways, to buy fresh veggies and other fun goodies and we adopted a tiny puppy, whom we named finnegan.
Autumn came quickly and seemed to leave just as fast, but the colours of the trees and the autumn smells were lovely. Elwynn began school in september. he takes the school bus and loves it! Halloween was a clear cool night. there was a huge bonfire at the community hall and fireworks and goodies galore. elwynn was a cowboy and ngaio a very grumpy ladybug.
Now winter is here and we are awaiting the arrival of our newest family member. im 34 weeks along now. late december or early january will bring her earthside, and we are all very

i've been knitting almost non stop since autumn blew in, so here are a few